Angel Investors, funding worldwide..

About Us
UPgrade London Ltd is a Lead Syndicate Angel Investor aiming to provide Funding to early-stage, startups and entrepreneurs with potential and innovative business ideas.
Being all of us part of the Greek-London Shipping Community, we engage in direct investments at early-stage projects, either as a Sole Angel Investors, or as a Leader of a Syndication of Angel Investors.
Our investment commitment ranges from 100.000 to 1,000,000 euros, determined by the unique needs of each project, its potential for growth, and the current dynamics of the market.
Beyond our direct investment initiatives, we extend our commitment by providing support to projects seeking substantial financing, covering a range from 1,000,000 to 20,000,000 euros, leveraging our extensive network of private equities and venture capitals, that we are directly cooperate with.
Recent Investments
During the last 12 years, UPgrade London's Ltd Shareholders, acting as independent Angel Investors, had Initially invested in several projects.
After the Listing of all of them in OTC NASDAQ, and CYPRUS STOCK EXCHANGE, they have chosen to divest and contribute their shares to Upgrade London Ltd. This entity is now functioning as a Holding Company, hosting the shares of all of our Equity Investments.
Below you'll find details on some of our recent placements.

Initial Investment in 2022
Still retain a strategic position to the Listed in CSE (ticker YACHT)
Initial Investment 2023
Exit after Listed in CSE (ticker PROSPER)
Initial Investment 2021
Exit after Listed in CSE (ticker WEALTH)
Initial Investment in 2019
Exit after Listed in OTC NASDAQ (ticker ELVG)
Initial Investment 2014
Exit after Listed in OTC NASDAQ (ticker COSMO)
Send us your Business idea or project below
and will get back to you a soon as possible

40 Bank Street Canary Wharf
London, E14 5NR
TEL +44 203 576 4009
Email: Director@upgradeLondon.co.uk